Essay for lifestyle in lockdown period

Essay on covid-19 under 200 words

 Essay on covid-19

Introduction= covid-19 was born 19-December 2019 in Wuhan city of China.

This is infectious disease which spread through the
virus.In this disease due to caughing or sneezing of infected person, the virus spreads almost 6 meters and when any healthy person comes with in the scope of 6 metres then he also suffers from this disease.

The quality of covid-19 

 This disease weakens the immunity system of patient. Due to which human being vulnerable to other disease.T disease is very dangerous for a heart patient or diabetes patient or a person already struggling with any disease. This disease destroy human brain cells which the power of that person is smell, understand and think is reduced.

The effect of covid-19


this disease has worsened the condition of many countries. Among which America,Italy, Germany,Britain, Brazil,India, Spain etc, are the major countries. Where the Graves were filled with corpses. This left many homes, families devastated. This disease is scared people so much that today people start tremble after hearing its name. this epidemic took away the livelihood of so many poor, and many poor were starved. Almost 200 million people have been infected by this pandemic and almost 2 million have died. 

The way to abstain from covid-19

Don't leave the house and go out for the most important work. Mask and sanitizer should be used exclusively.

Our hands should be washed truly for almost 20 second every half an hour.Keep our distance from the the people suffering from cold and cough.  Immediatelycheck for coronavirus when symptoms of the disease are revealed.
